One Watershed One Plan
LQP-YB One Watershed One Plan
Beginning in April 2021, local water resource management partners in the Lac qui Parle - Yellow Bank planning area began collaborating to develop a One Watershed One Plan Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. The planning group consists of the Lac qui Parle - Yellow Bank Watershed District, Lac qui Parle Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD), Yellow Medicine SWCD, Lincoln SWCD, Lac qui Parle County, Yellow Medicine County, Lincoln County, and Area II Minnesota River Basin. The group hired Houston Engineering as a consultant to develop the plan. Planning group staff, an advisory committee consisting of local stakeholders, and general public input and feedback was provided to Houston Engineering over the course of many meetings and work sessions to get the plan to identify top priorities resources and practices to address them in the planning area. The plan will guide future management investments to that will have the most efficient positive impact on protecting and restoring the area's water resources.
Workplan2021 Interim Report